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In this newsletter, we pay attention to two important supporters who have passed away from us in the past year, but above all, we discuss our plans for the future. Only then can we realize the dream of the founder of our foundation, Ruud Goedknegt, and of our biggest supporter in Ghana, Dr. Mensah, director of the Ghanaian National Development Planning Commission. We are working on a major project to establish 25,000 acres of bamboo forest, mixed with indigenous trees, to contribute to the improvement of our living environment, biodiversity and the socio-economic conditions of the people in Ghana. This is why our board members Stephen Oduro (Barima Asamoah Kofi IV) and Wilko Brink traveled to Ghana again last November.

News from Ghana

We are happy to report that we have been asked in writing to establish a 25,000 hectare indigenous forest mixed with bamboo in the Sene West District with the local population. We are developing a concrete plan for this purpose. The plan can be a wonderful extension of our bamboo planting program in Ghana. After all, so far we have planted 100 acres of bamboo plantation. Of course, there are still several snags. For example, due to the results of the recent elections in Ghana, many officials appointed by the previous government are being replaced, just like in America. What this means for us has to crystallize. This will take time, but we will solve it. Imagine if we could expand our work to include a forest the size of the city of Accra. Now all that remains is the financing. Hopefully more on that later.

In Memoriam Ruud Goedknegt and Dr. Mensah

Our foundation has experienced the loss of two important supporters in recent months. Our Chairman Ruud Goedknegt passed away at the age of 92, while our local project ambassador, Dr. Emmanuel Mensah, Director of the National Development Program Commission, reporting to the President of Ghana, also passed away. To both of them we bid farewell in a fitting manner. We especially remember their dreams, energy and vision and work with our team in Ghana to achieve greening and jobs in Ghana, starting with 25,000 hectares of forest in Northern Ghana
Ruud Goedknegt †
Dr. Kodjo Esseim Mensah-Abrampa †

Forest Research Institute Ghana

We have signed a cooperation agreement with the Forest Research Institute Ghana (FORIG). FORIG is a renowned research institute with a lot of local knowledge about agriculture and forestry and works closely with LU Wageningen. We expect that the cooperation with FORIG will increase the chances of success for the Barbarugo Foundation.
Among other things, FORIG provides us with data on soil conditions, historical data on deforestation, studies on its causes and data on planting preferences of local communities. They can also supply us with seed potatoes. FORIG owns a large nursery where native tree species and various bamboo species are grown. Especially FORIG's studies on the causes of deforestation give us a lot of insight to optimize our project approach. Consider best practices on:
* how to prevent forest fires
* best plant mix for the various climate zones in Ghana
* soil conditions research, and so on.

Team Barbarugo Ghana

Oduro and Brink met with the Barbarugo Ghana team that had come over from Tamale to Kumasi. They took 1,200 new bamboo cuttings north to expand the plantation at the Tamde dam.
Barima with Solomon and Alex from Tamale
Alex unloaded cuttings in Tamale


In the previous newsletter we wrote about the setbacks in Oda. Our plantation in Oda was unfortunately flooded due to excessive rainfall in 2023. This year, the team in Oda was better prepared and the plantation was able to expand and 200 bamboo cuttings were delivered to Tamale.
Felix proudly displays the new planting

Assin Kwaata

We are pleased to show pictures of our planting in Assin Kwaata. The Dendrocalamus Asper was planted there 5 years ago. This bamboo is having a great time. Now she is almost 20 meters high with a diameter of 12 cm; on to the 25 meters and 20 cm!
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Barima amidst the Aspers
Richard lifts 18 meters and 40 kg of Asper

Thank you

Thanks to your financial support we can do our work.

We wish you happy holidays and a wonderful 2025 for you and your loved ones.
Foundation Barbarugo - - email: